This is Hope Academy in Bishkek, Kryzgystan. It is an international school for the children of ex-pat volunteers. 98’ x 140’, 4 hoops, futsal, 4-square, hopscotch, volleyball and tennis game lines. In order to receive this court, we had to ship to Korea. Then the customer had to find a company to put it on a train with armed guards 24/7 and bring it across China and Mongolia to arrive in Bishkek. At one point, the government in Korea took the paint and destroyed it so the customer had to purchase new product and have it airfreighted to them via Moscow and then Almaty, Kazhakstan. Finally a helicopter was able to bring it into the country. It took over 8 months to arrive and their total investment totaled $100,000 – all so their children could have a place to play. They love the court and were the most wonderful customers to deal with.