New modular sports flooring product from the family who created an industry more than 30 years ago.
Salt Lake City, Utah – October 18, 2006 — SnapSports® is happy to announce the launch of their new product line Indoor-BounceBack® modular athletic surface.”We have applied our many years of hands-on experience into this product and the end result is the best performing indoor sports surface on the the market today. Not only is the ball play fantastic, but we have created a surface with the players safety in mind” Said Jorgen Moller CEO.
We have a great team here and they been busy, this is just one of the great patent-pending products we offer. In addition, we will be introducing even more great products over 2007 for both indoor and outdoor sports applications.
The Indoor BounceBack® surface has many features which are currently pending numerous patents worldwide. The athletic surface was engineered to perform better than the traditional wood surfaces but without all of the maintenance and upkeep. In addition, the BounceBack® surface has features that provide the athletes with added ‘cush’ and lateral movement to absorb shock to the body.” What we found is the current modular sports products available in the marketplace today are really not much different than what our family created over 30 years ago. With the engineering and technology we put into the BounceBack® tile, we have created a surface that is far superior in every aspect to all the others,” said Moller.
Some of the mentioned patent-pending features of the Indoor-BounceBack® are as follows; The ShockLock® (pat-pend)-The most innovative modular surface locking system. When the athlete plants their feet and push off on starts, stops, or change direction the lock compresses then springs back to it original position. Most all others have a toe & loop that can not offer this benefit of Athletic Energy Transfer.
BounceBack® Support Structure (multi patent pending)- With just over 1200 support towers of different heights within every square foot ensuring the athletes more Cushion & body shock absorption and providing excellent ball play.
“We have seen a tremendous response from top coaches and players in both volleyball and basketball across the country. We are already working with numerous top teams and organizations who planning on making the switch,” said Moller. Moller went on to say, “We have a great team here and they been busy, this is just one of the great patent-pending products we offer. In addition, we will be introducing even more great products over 2007 for both indoor and outdoor sports applications.”